• minislide cbc f3a 2023 v02

IV. Mělnické akrobaty MČR F3A - 18.5.2025

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na letošní soutěž Mistrovství České republiky v kategorie F3A - AKROBATICKÉ MOTOROVÉ MODELY, které se bude konat v neděli 18.5.2025 na modelářském letišti Mělník, Chloumek. Tímto jste srdečně zváni na čtvrtý ročník F3A závodů pořádané naším RC KLUBEM MĚLNÍK.

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CBC F3A 2025 - Registration form

Please fill in all mandatory items of the registration form carefully and then click on the "SUBMIT" button below. After submitting the form, your name is not automatically entered on the "List of Competitors". The data must be validated by the competition organizer. This may take up to 24 hours, thank you for your understanding.

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CBC F3A 2025 - Time schedule

It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days.

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CBC F3A 2025 - Accommodation

It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days.

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CBC F3A 2025 - Contacts

It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days. It will be published in the next few days.

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CBC F3A 2025 - Entry Fee

The entry fee 80 Euro or 2000 CZK for each competitor has to be paid immediately after Registration without charges for the organizer to the following account. Your entry will not be confirmed without payment being credited to the competition organiser's account. Thank you.

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Central Bohemia Cup F3A 2025

We are happy to announce that the second year of the Central Bohemia Cup F3A, FAI Open International Competition will be held on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of June 2025 at the Mělník model airport, approx. 40 km from Prague. Please register as soon as possible, the number of competitors is limited. Thank you and we look forward to your participation.

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III. Mělnické akrobaty F3A - 19.5.2024

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na letošní soutěž v kategorie F3A - AKROBATICKÉ MOTOROVÉ MODELY, které se bude konat v neděli 19.5.2024 na modelářském letišti Mělník, Chloumek. Tímto jste srdečně zváni na třetí ročník F3A závodů pořádané naším RC KLUBEM MĚLNÍK.

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